Curtain Call…

First of all a special thanks for everyone who made it… :) for the ones who so badly wanted to make it but had genuine reasons for not making it :P

The night was nothing short of spectacular, for a lad who has been on stage only twice before. Our group had experienced people, people who were used to this sort of events and then a couple of guys like me…

A few mins before the start is when I realized that I really wanted it to rain(it was an open air stage and that meant in case of rain we would postpone the play) after a little while I just wanted to run away… It wasn’t the fear but the nervousness that was killing me…

After about 10 min my part was done… It might sound fancy but there was a moment during my performance (most certainly triggered by my co-actor) when I no longer was trying to remember lines or the emotion I had to portray… In ways this was the most real performance I had ever given…

The moment I stepped backstage, my co-actors were thrilled… I felt I had done a decent job but they were just throwing compliments at me. They have heard the very same lines a million times and most often it was a ‘good job’, ‘you sounded nice’ etc. and today when they literally just heard me saying the dialogs they were throwing up a frenzy…

Rest of the performance went by like a breeze. The audience looked like it enjoyed itself at the end and frankly thats what matters in the end I think :)

The party after the show was just great, we had a short session of imitations of the bloopers by the actors during rehearsals… Lots of fun, loads of memories…