My new play, Conversations With Her is being performed this weekend at RangaShankara as a part of the Short and Sweet Festival Bengaluru.
This play is a very special production for me. Firstly it helped me realize a dream that I had harbored for over 6 years, a dream to watch a play written by me being performed in the magnificent Rangashankara. My first steps to theater began when I watched a play at this place, back then I could only dream about writing for or acting on this stage :)
Conversations with her, is a culmination of 4 years of writing. It was in this blog that I first sowed the seeds of pieces of writing that was very close to my heart. In the time that passed, I wrote many pieces and silently hoped to perform some of them on stage.
So finally here we are… Yesterday was the premier show of my play and I was honestly humbled by the feedback I received for the play :) The audience was warm and receptive right thru the performance and it seemed like they really enjoyed parts of the play :)
We have two more shows this weekend and fingers crossed for making it to the final the next week.
We are in some illustrious company this weekend. We will be sharing the stage with some of the celebrated theater groups of Bangalore. Please do come to Rangashankara this weekend and encourage us all :)
Conversations With Her
Writer/Director: Chandrahasa Reddy N
Cast: Ruchi Raveendran, Praveen Kumar R, Vidya Gopinathan
Friday February 24th, Saturday February 25th and Sunday February 26th
7.30pm @ RangaShankara Theatre