Memories of Catherine

One of the choices a narrator has while telling a story, is where to start. Honestly, thats one quandary I was really hoping to be spared of this time around; Unfortunately, despite the fact that this entire story happened in a little less than 20 minutes, I am not to be excused from that vital decision. Luckily for me I think I am sneaky enough to play around the rules this time around.

Anything I tell you about Catherine would probably be speculative. The short time I got to speak to her, while I sipped my morning tea and she had her breakfast, is certainly insufficient for me to paint a true picture of her. But considering I have already thrown caution to the wind, I might as well indulge you on some unimportant details about her…

Catherine had wanderlust, she had traveled across the world from Britain(where she lived) to Indonesia, Thailand, most of Europe, Australia and now India (I am certain she mentioned a few more countries but as I said this detail is probably not that important), She had a toothy smile and that grace & charm that comes with that Brit accent… Continue reading