Interpreting Dreams…

For most of my life I did not have dreams when I went to sleep. I would wake up and the night would have been a blank. It was not like I could not remember dreams coz when I would have a dream I would remember pretty good details about it.

Whenever I would have a dream, it turned out to be very important to me. I think its got to do more with my belief that dreams are messages from the subconscious. Considering that I did not have many to work with most often than not I would end up making sense of my dreams and it would almost always give me a better understanding of myself. Some of the biggest realizations of my life have occurred to me while interpreting dreams.

In the past few weeks the number of dreams I am having has been increasing exponentially. Havent been able to pin point the cause of this surge in dreams, maybe its got to do with the crash I had a while back ( It probably shook that part of my brain active :P )

Now the dreams were really intresting, and have gotten me thinking about a lot of things… Nothing too drastic but little nice things about myself and how I feel about people in my life. One more thing it has me doing now is keeping a dream journal.

What is a dream journal?
Well its like a diary where you write about your dreams, whome you interacted with, what you did, where you were, how it ended ect.

Guess I will be doing a lot more web searches with the terms “dream interpretation” from now on :P