
This post is dedicated to Satish, who could have wished for anything in the world but wanted this. This my way of showing the world that some wishes do come true :)

Me: Life changes doesn’t it, after a while priorities change… people change. Its just unfortunate that things don’t stand still and remain the way you like it.

Him: So what changed? Do you think we have changed and in the process havent seen what it was doing to him?
Me: I dont know man… Someone once told me that loneliness has the amazing ability to change people and their priorities. Sometimes its a small minute change that is required that has so much of an effect to your thoughts and your action.
Him: You think he is feeling lonely?
Me: Well… sometimes you can be with the best of your friends having a great time… People around you who love you but still you can feel like the only person on the planet. Its a feeling that is hard to explain…
Him: Alone? You think so?
Me: Well not exactly alone, I mean you have people around you who care and all but… its more like a person who understands a specific feeling inside you, whome you dont have to say a word and yet you have conveyed all you want or someone with whome when you speak you just forget time and worries and fears.
Him: I am worried for him man.
Me: These things have a way of resolving itself man. Frankly we might be reading the situation all wrong… All in all I just hope he doesn’t do anything hastily.
Him: Hastily?
Me: Yep, these situations tends to make people jump the gun. As long as he is level headed and knows that things will fall in place he is fine.
Him: I think its got more to do with change man.
Me: Change?
Him: Yeah, I think we all have changed man. Things were not the way they were about a year back. There is nothing wrong in it changing but maybe none of us noticed that we were changing. You know, humans are sometimes so adaptable that they dont even know that they have changed to suit a situation.
Me: Yeah man, change can be a difficult sometimes. But he will come around man, it will take a while but he will come around.