Busy Bee…

It has been a busy week for me so far and the forecast for the next few months will be the same :P Hope to be more active here… have so much to say but just dont have the drive to write :D

In other news caught Pirates of the Carribean last week and it was really fun. Felt it was a bit too long but that was mostly coz I was really hungry :P Again its Depp who steals the show, expected much more from Chow Yun Fat. I actually enjoyed the ending of the film(the climax) and loved the sfx… The ending was left open for another sequel but I doubt there is going to be one(I hope there isnt one actually) Its hard to keep the momentum of the series as it gets longer. All in all a must watch for anyone who liked the original two movies :)
I will be catching Ocean’s 13 tmrw and hopefully Shrek sometime soon…

In other news I finally started reading the Harry Potter books for the second time, hopefully I have enuf time before book 7 releases(which I have prebooked thanks to Swetha). I am actually taking it very slow this time, re-reading parts of the book that i feel are important… frankly searching for clues :P

The response to the podcast has been awesome… Thank you all for listening and for all the comments. We will keep trying our best to make you smile :)

There is a lot more to say but I guess I will draw the line here for now…