I ♥ …

If you expected this post to be about a certain lady… Well its not ;)

Considering its that day of love again I thought what better to write about the the things I love… Ok, its not exactly everything I love(thats a huge list), but things most ppl(readers of my blog) dont know about me.

So here they are:

I ♥ taking photos of Sunset and Rain drops on leaves

I ♥ Good Will Hunting and Fight Club: Two of my all time favorite movies

I ♥ drinking Tea: My favorite hot beverage(also a gentleman’s drink :D )

I ♥ puffed rice: And anything made from it… This is the one thing I just cant stop eating… most often I stop only after its totally gone.

I ♥ dogs: Yep I am a total dog person :) I have petted cats and rabbits too but dogs are ones I care for instantly

I ♥ perfect squares, cubes and prime numbers: I even chose the last 6 digits of my phone number(9986040064) based on decimal cubes (0.04)3 = 0.000064 Add 0.04 to that and take out the decimal point to get the number. Weirdly I did that in like 10 sec I got to chose any number I wanted :P

I ♥ to dance: I hv always wanted to learn Ball Room Dancing :P I will learn it someday :)

I ♥ Jackets: I have the craziest fetish for overcoats/jackets… At one time my mom had forbidden me to purchase anymore of them(hv to point out that I had bought like 5 in 2 weeks then)

I ♥ popcorn: Its like my favorite snack… The one thing I love about going to theaters is that I can have popcorn (am too lazy to make it at home :P )

I ♥ counting in German: I just do, occasionally I just start counting in German if someone around me is also counting or when there is too much distraction

I ♥ writing: Ok you knew this one… but you did not know I hv 3 separate journals(excluding the online ones) in which I write exclusively different stuff

I ♥ bitter gaud and brinjal: Apart from ladies finger these are my favorite veggies

I ♥ Steven Soderbergh’s movies

I ♥ Eagles: For some reason I always feel they are the most dignified of all birds… And love the fact that I have to look up at them every time

I ♥ taking photos of people taking photos :P

I ♥ CHANGE: I hate routines and absolutely avoid doing the exact same thing the exact same way everyday.

I ♥ Formula One: It is this post that inspired this entry. For why I love F1 just read the link :)