Being Remembered…

KSIT’s Ananya(Inter Collegiate fest) was organized last weekend. Its the only time in the year when ppl actually look forward to going to college and over the years the event has gotten much better and grander in scale.

This occasion was the first time in 10 months that I went to college and the response of the ppl there was just too much to take. Every body remembered us(My friends and me) every one from the principal to our HOD to the lecturers to the office staff to the bus drivers to the gate keeper. The feeling being remembered was truly overwhelming. The expression on their faces was truly beautiful and the way they spoke to us, it made us feel so much important.

Most of my college years my friends and me were very close to everyone in college… We spoke to everybody irrespective of department and irrespective of if we would meet them everyday or monthly. I remember the last two years when parking space was made outside our college premises and we had an old man to take care of our bikes… I used to smile to him each time I passed by and asked him how he was… One of my friends asked me what I would do if he was having a bad day, All I knew was that hi mattered to him… As I walked out of college after my fest he was sitting on a chair near the gate, he called me and inquired how I was and what I was doing and adviced me to bring up the college name…

During college it was clear that we were a bit ridiculed coz we were so close to our lecturers and sometimes because we were so close to the HODs of other departments… We were so close that we had been to their houses known their families personally and knew what was going on in each persons life like we were friends. Now that I look back it makes me laugh the pettiness of the whole thing… Almost all in the class thought that we were close so that we could push our marks in the exams…

During the fest we were in the canteen and a couple of our lectureres came by and one lecturer who taught us in 2nd sem met us and we shook hands and spoke for a few mins… A few secs later one of my friends came by and said “He looked so happy to see you…” She sure sounded surprised… That was when it struck me… This is what my engineering was to me… Everyone makes friends and gets a degree but we were remembered… For some reason that makes me smile like those 4 years meant so much more by that.