Fresh from my success with Project 365, I decided to dream bigger in 2014. Here are task list for 2014:
Project TIL365: This is similar to Project 365. I will be posting 1 new fact I learned each day of the year. This will get me the motivation to learn more things and will give me the opportunity to share what I learn with you all. The posts will be made everyday on Twitter( and cross-posted weekly on this blog.
12 Book Project: Considering my new extra long commute, I thought this will be a good project. I will be reading 1 book a month this year. I will mostly read it on commute and these will all be books I already own but havent read.
52 Movie Project: 1 Classic movie a week. I have a huge list of classic movies that I have never gotten around to watching :P Will talk/post about the movies on facebook or twitter or this blog.
12 Special Projects: I was planning to do 1 project a month for a year. These projects will mostly be to learn some new skill. This will mostly be a private project and mostly involve me learning some mundane non-important skill (mostly coz I think it will be cool) :P
It looks like I might have bitten off more than I can chew, but after seeing through Project 365, I am pretty confident of doing justice to 2014 :)
See you along the way :)