Crazy things I hv been doing Lately….

Sometimes its hard to explain why we do certian things… Lately I hv been looking back at things and wondering now why did i do something crazy like that.

For example, I actually recited someone the story of “The Count of Monte Cristo” over the phone. The wierd thing was that I had read in a decade ago and how well I told the story absolutely surprized me.

A few days back I was reading(yes reading) out my blog entrys to a friend… I made it thru almost 20 of em before realizing… this is crazy.

The other day I was again speaking on the phone this time with a sweet sorethroat and I just went on for like 40 min knowing its straining my throat(Im paying for those 40 min now) but could not get myself to keep the phone down…

Its so easy to argue logic and do things that totally question my ability to understand it. Well I guess acting crazy is just like me… :P