Kitten at Work

Theju’s cat recently gave birth to kittens. One of the kittens visited the office on friday and made our day.

Theju brought over the kitten on friday to give it to Vidya, whose place is only a few min walk from office. On the insistance of yours truly and few other interested people we asked Vidya to bring it over later in the evening. She kidly obliged and here he was.

In  my hands

He looked scared initially and in a few min got used to us and stopped mewing. He was absolutely agile moving from one place to another and before long he had visited all our hands. The little baby was hardly bigger than the plams of our hands put together.

Beautiful Cat

He was quick to fall asleep too. Going to sleep as soon as he found a nice warm place. We took pics of his teeth and paw when he was asleep and they came out really good.

In theju's Hands



Once he was up again he was busy playing around and trying to grab our fingers. This pic is my favourite…

Cat and I

Sidharth then placed him on my shoulder and the following photoset speaks for itself. Cats have an amazing sense of balance and grip…

While I work

Climbing down my arm

To my desk

Once he was on my table he was walking all over the place. For a few min he tried nibbling on my mouse’s cable and then gave up and tried to find a way down. He walked over the keyboard onto the laptop and finally back to my seat. Boy was he cute…


On the Laptop

The time spent with the kitten was amazing and considering this is the first time I have played with a kitten (Im more a dog lover) I cant wait to play with a kitten again :).

PS: Photos courtesy Theju :P