I am “chandrahasa.com”

I bought the domain name “chandrahasa.com” on friday. Got it from Yahoo! Domains for 15$(approx.) for 5 years. The offer(domain for 2.99$/yr) is still on and frankly is the best offer for domain names in a long time.

I want to thank Kishore for helping me get the domain… thanks for all the help and the credit card :P. I currently dont own a international credit card and that was what was required to do the transaction.

As of now chandrahasa.com simply redirects to chandrahasa.hostmatrix.org. The old links and feeds will work fine for now. I will be doing a full revamp of the site soon (even considering changing providers), Dont worry I promise to inform you well in advance so that you can update your links and aggregators.

I would suggest one thing though, just check with your aggregator which feed it is picking up… If its the chandrahasa.hostmatrix.org/wordpress/… feed please change it to http://feeds.feedburner.com/New_sense (This wont be necessary for ppl who have subscribed to my feed in the recent past 2-3 months is a safe period)