Waiting for Reply…

One of the things that totally irritates me is when I write a mail or a sms (asking expicitly for a reply or imply for one) and I dont get a reply back. For some reason this happened like a dozen times in the last few days and that bothers me.

I have had this specific problem from a long time back but it occured so rarely I just ignored it. But when u send an sms to your friends like “Do you guys want to catch a movie this weekend?” and get no reply… that is not exactly my idea of a good sign.

The prob gets more interesting as sometimes my friends might have left their cell home and hence could not reply or when the cell is out of reach from a network or (in case of email) not had net access for a while. This complicates the matter worse when the msg is important and has to be delivered immediately.

Frankly its hard to figure out if the reason for the delay is rudeness or genuine interference. But one things for certian… Waiting for a reply sucks and I just hate doing it.