Lets Fight AIDS


Dec 1st is World Aids Day. AIDS stands for Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome. These are a few facts about Aids I could pick up from the net:

Top 5 causes of AIDS

5) Needle Sharing : Using the needle used by a previously HIV infected person
4) Accidents : Accidently piercing a Hiv infected Blood. Mucous membrane exposure, such as being splashed in the face with blood or vomit.
3) Blood Transfusion : Recieving blood from a HIV infected person
2) Mother to Child : Mother to Child during birth
1) Unprotected Sexual Intercourse : Having unprotected sex with a HIV infected person.

Top 5 Facts about AIDS

Aids does not spread by common physical contact like handshakes, hugs and kissing
The disease shows no sign of ending and no cure is at hand.
Many people who are diagnosed with AIDS in their 20s actually became infected with HIV as teenagers.
HIV leads to AIDS in all but a few cases.
AIDS/HIV has been found in human saliva but there is no medical evidence to date supporting claims that it can be passed on through infected saliva.

Clearing the Top 5 Myths about AIDS

Condoms and other “barrier method” birth control do not guarantee protection against AIDS. — TRUE
You cannot get AIDS through oral, anal and procreative intercourse or through sexual contact of any kind where there are open wounds or sores. — FALSE
AIDS/HIV is a gay disease or a punishment from God against immoral behavior. — FALSE
AIDS/HIV has been found in human saliva but there is no medical evidence to date supporting claims that it can be passed on through infected saliva. — TRUE
AIDS/HIV does not care about the color of your skin, your religious beliefs, your sexuality, your age or your socio-economic standing – it is an “equal opportunity” deadly virus! — TRUE

Top 5 Links to AIDS Knowledge


(Source: Internet)

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