
This Collection of pics is definately the best uploaded by me at one time. The photos look great but all I got to say is that “you missed the real thing”

These pics are in the order that i clicked them:


Tried a panoromic view picture, came out a little bit on the unsatisfactory side but its the best of the 4 panoromic pics I took. The reason for the color change is simple: amount of light hitting directly on the lens. The part of the photo which is bright is coz its facing or very close to the sunrays… the darkpart and the sky to the extreme right is so because the light was now not falling directly from the sun. Still I feel the pic is amazing :)



These 2 were taken back to back. The latter is the same pic but in black and white mode. The sun rays look just perfect.


The picture that made my day. This is my current wallpaper at home and I just love it. I call it “Divinity”… hence the name for the entry :)




Tried a handful of shots with birds and the sun. Trust me it is very difficult to get the timing right. The red spot on the horizon is the sun, the last pic does no justice to the majesticity of the moment. Maybe I could have been even more fair with the better cam but frankly, being there is just something else. :)