Woken Up…

During my drive back home from office last evening, I hit upon an interesting idea for a play. The concept kept building in my head as I silently contemplated it. By late in the evening the concept became something pretty viable and had me excited. By the time I went to bed the foundations for the play were well laid in my head.

As I lay there in bed an odd thought occurred to me. What if I wake up tomorrow and cant remember the story at all. What if I forget it like a dream? The next moment I was up with a pencil and a piece of paper jotting down points about the idea.

Approximately an hour later I had the entire play written :) What was amazing was that I had struggled to write for such a long time that this idea truly came as my Saviour. It felt really awesome to connect with my thoughts creatively after such a long time. Now hopefully others will like it as much as I do.