Of Forwards and Chain Mails….

Yesterday i recieved a forward. All was well untill it requested me to send it all ppl i know so that some unfortunate group of ppl get a nominal pay per mail… I normally ignore such mails coz its difficult to detect mails and mail route unless the mail is sent to you. This mail had a intersting addon it requested me to cc the mail to specific mail id so that it could count the no. of forwards…

After a conversation with my collegue Sidharth it dawned to me… Have you ever considered if the person u were mailing to was a spammer… Spaming is unfortunte side effect of e-mail and a spammer can harass you to no limits.

Anyway this is to all the ppl that get to deal with forwards and chain mail… “THEY ARE FAKE” I know sometimes the heart goes out to the ppl in the mail but always be aware of ur surroundings and the fact that internet is not a safe place to stay…