New Sense

Songs For Someone – Abhi Na Jao Chod Kar

There have been a few times in the past when I have felt the compulsion to sing for someone… Fewer times I have actually gone ahead with the feat :P

During my last trip listening to the songs playing during the drive I started remembering those few moments from my life. I thought to myself that I should catalog this in my blog… So this mini-series was born :P

The first song I honestly sang for someone came very spontaneously after dusk. I remember very well whom I sang this for, when and even where :P It would be pretty cool if they are reading this and remember as well.

Anyway the song was “Abhi na jao chod kar”. I remember doing the first para before my friend(and now colleague) joined in and we sang it together :) Ahh beautiful memories :P

Every time I listen to the song I am reminded of the incident. The funny thing is I feel it was so cool to have done something like that :P