New Sense


Earlier this week I was back on stage in another presentation from MisFit. This time it was a Comedy Presentation… A collection of 5 short plays. It was my first ever comedy in front of decent audience :) and I was nervous like hell :P

Its common knowledge among actors that Comedy is far tougher than drama. The dependency on things like expressions and timing is spectacular. Putting it simply, its hard to get away with doing bad comedy as opposed to bad drama :P Anyway I always felt that comedy was something right up my alley and this performance was a good test :)

The response was really good and surprised me a bit. Its not everyday that someone walks up to you and calls you a ‘superstar’ of the evening or your performance as ‘amazing’ :) And I was like, what the heck, its not everyday someone compliments me… Let me bask in this for a while :P

Things did work out well for me despite being really sick and weak… We had a little time to practice, just 2 evenings as opposed to at least 5-10 evenings of practice for my previous performances… but you just forget it all the moment you hear that first laugh from the audience… Its an amazing high, to have your audience laughing and being able to react to that. Anticipating that punch line and feeling it work…

Well that was that, We are planning a proper play in a couple of weeks. Am skeptical if I will be acting in it but I am currently hoping to write a part of the script.

Ps: Thanks a ton to all those wonderful ppl that made it to the play in such short notice… You guys are precious :)