New Sense

Probability of You…

What is the probability of your existence?

According to this fun blog post, about 1 in 102,685,000!
That is apparently the same probability of 2 million people each rolling a trillion-sided dice and landing on the same number!

Now that calculation (despite being thoroughly enjoyable to read) is flawed because of a simple bias… What is the “you” (as in ‘your’) in the question?

For example, it is possible to calculate the probability of that your tenth descendents will have brown eyes, that is an acceptable probabilistic question. On the other hand, calculating the possibility that your ancestor met the mate that led to your blood line 150,000 years ago is a bit of a stretch… (fun none the less)!

But the bottom line is, that number is probably right, hell it might even be very flatteringly number, the real probability is probably much much smaller…

So technically, you shouldn’t exist! The fact that you do is actually the biggest miracle in the known universe!

PS: The question of the probability that you would be reading this last line of this post(written by another human btw) is left as an exercise to the reader :P