New Sense

7 Years On…

Last week marked the seventh anniversary of this blog. During these seven years I have written around 1200 posts in almost 50 categories and received close to 1200 comments. Pages of this blog have been loaded almost 200,000 times; with over to 40,000 in just the last year!

Well all the numbers look good but what they dont capture is what these 7 years of writing has meant to me. This blog has been an invaluable friend and journal that logged my thoughts, many of which after revisiting always reminded me to keep pushing on.
This blog has earned me friends across the world and at times vindicated the power that words possess.

The last few months havent been great wrt blogging. My life has wandered into a labyrinth of tasks and the viscous cycle has kept me away from penning down my thoughts. I guess now is a better time than any to get back to what I have always loved doing…

To… “New Sense” – Who I am