New Sense

Most People & You

  1. Most people are overweight – they eat poorly and don’t exercise. You adopt a healthy lifestyle with a proper nutrition and regular exercise.
  2. Most people seek happiness from their external circumstances – money, material goods, and relationships. You know that happiness comes from your internal world – an optimistic outlook and an attitude of gratitude.
  3. Most people want the quick fix magic pill. You take a long term approach to creating the change you desire.
  4. Most people never read a book again after graduating college. You make reading a regular habit.
  5. Most people are looking for what they can get from a relationship. You focus on what you can give in a relationship.
  6. Most people blame – other people, their parents, the government, evil corporations etc. You take responsibility.
  7. Most people seek approval and permission. You go after what you want without hesitation.
  8. Most people want a get rich quick scheme. You provide massive value for a period of time to accumulate wealth.
  9. Most people don’t know what they want from life. You have your goals written down.
  10. Most people complain. You take action to make things the way you want or accept them as they are if you can’t change them.
  11. Most people compare themselves to others. You compare yourself to your personal standards.
  12. Most people are limited by their fears. You breakthrough fears with courage.
  13. Most people give their power away to authority figures. You are the ultimate authority in your life.
  14. Most people hate their jobs. You find a way to make money doing what you love.
  15. Most people spend hours in front of the television. You spend time doing what really inspires you.

Taken from Aivalli (Originally from here)