New Sense

Tyme Travel?

The third season of Heroes has been a big disappointment in my opinion. Its not the story or the characters entirely(though they are not perfect either) but more to do with the lack of quite simply logic in some parts. I understand the show is a Sci-Fic show but some things are simply beyond explanation.

(Dont worry no spoilers about the storyline)
The questionable scene is one which introduces Hiro Nakumura in season 3. He is shown sitting down playing with a clock, testing his ability to bend space and time. He moves the clock a few mins forward and back, does this a couple of times until his friend walks in the door.

What I dont understand in this seemingly simple scene is, if he went 10 mins forward wouldnt he his friend already be in the room?

There are so many instances in the first two episodes, where the writers simply assume that the audience will buy what ever they say. Some of it is done to push the faltering storyline and give it something worth watching.

The only thing that is as brilliant as the first season(which was the best) has to be Sylar. That character is brilliantly written and we get to understand him much more. The cool super-villain is what is keeping me still tuned. Hope they dont mess up that too.