New Sense

Farm House

Yesterday evening as my cousins and I were catching up after a long time one of my uncles suggested we go to his Farm House. I was really happy… something about being away from tall buildings and amoung some greenery. So we climbed on the cars and started the hour long drive to the outskirts of the city.

It was close to dusk when we arrived at the place and it was beautiful. It was the first time I have been there my parents had gone earlier in the year but I was busy and could not accompany them. The farm house was a little more ahead then “Art of Living” institute.

As soon as we entered the confines of the green paradise we were greeted by fig trees. I am not sure if you have everseen a fig tree but they are gorgeous. I took some photos of the tree. Unfortunately for us there were only a few ripe ones we could gulp down :).

I was totally elated when I saw this paddy field. They look so colourful its amazing.

We then went on to see Guavava, Cheeku, Custard apple and Gooseberry trees. Trust me its important to get back to nature once in a while.

We then saw some amazing Tree Ant’s nests. I tried my best to get a good pic, well I guess I need something better than a cellphone cam :D. The photos did comeout fine in the end.

It was 8 by the time we came home but the few minutes on that farm house was a great relief from the fast paced city life. I cant wait to go back there and taste those Figs again :p