New Sense

What Would You Wish For?

Her: What is the one thing you want most in the world?
Me: What?
Her: Lets say a genie pops up in front of you and is ready to grant you a wish what would you wish for?
Me: What is all this about?
Her: Ok, forget the genie… Lets just say that can wish for one thing right now, what would you wish for?
Me:(with uncertain tone) World Peace?
Her: You sound like you are competing for Miss Universe! But seriously it has to be something specific. It has to be something physical, something that someone can get you. Not one of those “happiness for the rest of my life” kind of wishes.
Me: Specific… eh
Her: Yeah, and once you get it you will never ever get a wish again. You know, go on with life but with that one thing. Plus it has to be specific… Lets say you want a flower, you should be as specific as possible… not just a Rose or a Pink Rose but like a Pink Rose Bud.
Me: Where do you get these questions?
Her: (smiling) Answer the question and I will tell you.
Me: Why don’t you go first?
Her: I asked the question.
Me: Ok, but you have to make a wish too.
Her: Yeah, take your time… What is it that you want the most right now?
(after a couple of sips of coffee)
Me: I wish i was on top of a mountain watching the sunset, with the cool evening breeze blowing by,
Her: hmm…. are you alone? (with a coy smile and a jab on my shoulder)
Me: And quite peaceful, yes :) So what would you wish for.
Her: Well it wont make much sense… (whispering) I know the answer key
Me: well then humor me.
Her: A plate of grilled chicken and a nice movie!
Me: (smiling) which movie?
Her: A Romantic Comedy… hmmm…. You’ve got Mail!
Me: Ok… Now tell me what is this all about?
Her: Well its a bit crazy…
Me: Go on, I already know you are crazy.
Her: If you push someone to a spot and make them wish for something they can get… something physical, they almost always ask of something that they believe they cant get by themselves at that given time.
Me: hmmm
Her: So, based on what people tell you they would wish for you can figure out things about them.
Me: So what did you figure out about me?
Her: You like being close to nature…
Me: I could have just told you that.
Her: (getting annoyed) It works better on some people.
Me: Yeah, like a Grilled Chicken and a movie is better than a cup of coffee with me.
Her: (sarcastically) Oh Damn… I was trying so hard to not make that obvious.