New Sense

An Year On…

Its days like these that make me pensive (no I am not pensive all the time like some people think I am). In a few short hours the Earth would have completed 24 trips around the sun since the day I was born…

I look around me and wonder what I should be doing, no not in the thought that I have nothing to do right now but more with the outlook that a year back I was in this same place, so what has changed? Ironically I remember very well what I did that day. So well infact that its what is adding to the current restlessness.

An year ago I was here, the very same place but I was doing something that I knew would justify my 23 years on this planet. There was a sense of hurry and anticipation that was around it… Frankly just the act was enough to make the day special, it only happened to be astronomically related to the day I was born.

An year gone in a flash(or two) and I am left wondering, what have I done since that day… The scary part is I know the answer… I have learnt and experienced new things, but not necessarily become a better person. A year back I knew what I wanted to do, I am not so sure anymore… actually I think its more like I am scared of being so sure.

An year on and I have almost lost my priced ability… to change. I find it harder to do that than ever before but its just a phase… I know it will pass.

An year on… I have more friends and well wishers than I possibly ever had in my life. Maybe a few of them even love me. I know one thing for sure, I have learnt to recognize people I love(the best thing that has happened to me this year).

An year on… and I have lost sight of a few responsibilities… Ones I am working now to fix.
An year on… and I have lost a few more hobbies… diverted from the ones I love.

On the lighter side… An year on… and I have been smitten by more girls than I have in years :) I have given and gotten more hugs this year that ever before :) :)

There is an old saying that the only thing that you can do about the past is learn from it. Well so much for 23… The year I believed that my life would change… It did, but not as much as I expected it to. Then again its too early to judge.

Bring it on… 24!