New Sense


Her: You know, you can tell how important someone is to you in a relationship by how you converse with them…
Me: hmmm…
Her: Its a bit complicated but let me explain
Me: Ok go ahead…
Her: Think about people you are close to and why you love taking to them. Its mostly either coz they are good listeners or coz you like to listen to them. I believe that if you love to listen to someone speak that person is very special to you. Now this is not the usual speech kind of listening.
Me: But in the sense that you call them up so that you can listen to what they say…
Her: Right… It think its built into our system to automatically favor such people… Its almost as if we want to know more about that person or their opinion ect.
Me: Interesting, its not necessarily right I think but you have a valid point.
Her: Well it seems right for me…
Me: So let me get this straight… If the other person speaks more than you then it implies that subconsciously you like this person so you want hear more of what they say…
Her: Just about…
Me: OR that person keeps on talking and doesn’t let you get a word in…
Ms Pretty eyes gives this amazing smile and adds “Well I stand corrected… looks like the second reason is more valid”