New Sense

Beautiful Or Hot?

The girl with the pretty eyes was in the right mood to try and extract information from me… She silently added in the middle of a conversation “Ok! How would you describe a girl… hot or beautiful?”
I tried to be diplomatic “how about both?”… with a grin ofcourse.

Her: No! You have to pick one… hmmm Say – A. How would you describe A

Me: Interesting choice… Why this all of a sudden?

Her: Come on play along and please be frank… I promise its gonna stay between the two of us. I will tell you once u tell me

Me: Hmmm…

Her: Yes

Me: I will go for beautiful… Now tell me why?

Her: Hmmm…. And B?

Me: Crazy

Her: (laughing) Actually yeah I agree… The question is void for her and me… We are the crazy ppl

Me: Well you said that… not me

Her: (smiles) Ok!

Me: Ok now explain.

Her: I read it somewhere… That a girl should pick boys depending on how they treat them but it mentioned small details

Me: As opposed to how they treat thier bikes. Damn i thought girls based it on that

Her: (ignoring me) Never go out wid a guy that calls u hot it said…(sarcastically) Cars maybe not bikes

Me: So beautiful=good and hot=bad

Her: Sort of…

Me: hmmm

Her: So use beautiful if u are hitting on the girl… if it doest not matter to either of u… then hot is ok

Me: Coming to think of it… it does make sense. I mean, the sad part is that words like ‘beautiful’ are terribly undervalued… People call most things beautiful that maybe its not exactly worth its weight.

She listened intently as I carried on “Terms like hot and sexy are very much terms to describe physical attraction… But probably a honest ‘you are looking beautiful’ will beat ’em all. There is another way to look at it, I would rather look at someone and describe them as hot/sexy if I felt that is how others would perceive that person, in the case of beautiful, Its always what I think about that person.” I took a sip of the coffee cup and asked “So can I ask you something?”

Her: Ok…

Me: Why did you pick A?

Her: Hmmmm… I thought about it… Frankly, She is the one who would actually fit right for this question.
She added matter of factly “I could have said me… and got a nice little speech about how people dedicate songs on radios…” We both smiled…