New Sense

Call Forwarding…

She was looking out at the street and said “Yesterday I called a friend… Oddly another friend of mine picked up the call.” She was looking at me now “I was wondering, what does it tell you about those two friends if you felt happy/sad to hear the other friend’s voice?”

She always comes up with interesting questions… I smiled and replied “What do you think it tell you?”

Her: I don’t know. Deciding whome i like more based on just one random occurrence is unfair on me I think.
Me: Well there you go, it doesn’t necessarily have to say anything.
Her: Why did you say ‘necessarily’? You believe it shows bias, dont you?
Me: Yeah… I think it does. I have always had a few people who I love to speak to. Always tend to have the best conversations with them and always look forward to speaking with them. Obviously if one of them picks up the call, I would be delighted.

She stared at me for a second or two and asked “Who are in the list?”
Me: What is with this morbid fascination with names. People are always falling over each other to ask “who?”. When infact the important thing is the information itself not the participants. People want names, as if that will be of any use, when they would possibly never meet or interact with that person. Wouldnt ‘someone’ suffice?

She leaned forward…
She: Am I in the list?
Me: This is like the situation where someone calls up a tv/radio show to dedicate a song. They do their requests and add ‘also I dedicate is song to you’. Now we dont know if the person did it out of courtesy or actually honestly likes the host… If I said “yes you are on the list”. What guarantee do you have that it was a honest answer.

She stared at me with those pretty eyes and slowly smiled…