New Sense

Drunk With Experience…

Being drunk with experience is almost as bad as being drunk with power… When you reach a phase where you believe that you cant be wrong its hard to have a productive conversation, it ends up almost always being a lecture.

I had one such argument yesterday, what was confusing me the most was why this person I was speaking to was not even considering the possibility that they can or might be wrong. I normally walk right away from such an event but if I truly believe in my argument I will stick to my ground until proven wrong.

The help of random unrelated examples are always thrown in at these moments to confuse the challenger. Possibly a previous moment where the “experienced” person was more correct than the inexperienced one is brought up, just to create a doubt in the mind of the latter and make him/her consider quitting the argument. The sad part is if you point it out that the event being talked about is not even relevant, you would be hit with the classic “you dont understand”.

If experience has taught me one thing, it is that such conversations can hardly ever be saved. If the person does not realize his/her folly in being Drunk with Experience and letting the feeling cloud their thoughts and judgment they stand very close to losing what respect their experience got them.