New Sense

Jhoom Barabar Jhoom…

I had the pleasure honour of watching the Confi-Dance Confidence Through Dance by the Special Potential Batch of Shiamak Davar Institute of Performing Arts on friday evening. I had gone for the event coz a dear friend of mine was performing and seriously went there thinking “I am out of there once her dance is done!”. I ended up looking at my watch when the event had finished and realized 2 hours had zipped by…

I have not been to many dance performances but when you hear the announcement that “The dancers in this performance are professional… So feel free to cheer,yell, encourage and boo them!” you just know its going to be good!

Consider this 35 adults, 21 kids, 19 songs(all ensemble performances), awe-inspiring choreography, brilliant creativity(each performance had different stage settings), 30s for a change over(sets and clothes)!
The show encapsulated Jazz, Salsa, Rock and Roll, HipHop, Indo Jazz(Shiamak’s creation) and Bollywood Jazz… My friend herself did 10 different dance forms!
Oh yeah… And 2 shows back to back!!!

Its a nice feeling to be humbled but when you look at kids almost a third of your age doing something so accurately and beautifully, the euphoria is just addictive.

In the end of the show there was video about Victory Arts Foundation(VAF) created by Shiamak which spreads the joy and power of dance to underprivileged children, children who are infected, affected or vulnerable to HIV / ADIS, physically or mentally challenged children. A very noble cause.