New Sense

How Naked is Naked…

How would you feel if you were naked in front of the world?
I am not talking about shedding your clothes… Naked so that the world can see into your soul. Taking away all the masks, all the doubts and blatantly being measured for your choices and opinions.

It might sound ironic but most people spend most of their lives trying to be like someone else. Maybe its a mentor or an idol they try to emulate, maybe they just want to impress someone, maybe they just want to be a part of something. Everybody wears masks, there are no exceptions… Mostly its involuntary, it has somehow crept into our system and has become a part of us.

Most people think its hard to be like someone else… actually that is the easy thing to do. Its not hard to look at someone and try to do things like they do. What is truly hard is to be yourself. That is why I love originality. People who know who they are, people who understand thier flaws and stengths… they look at the mirror and see past all the masks for who they truly are and are not scared to show that to the world! There are very few people who I know to be truly original but I do know loads of people who look to be in the path of originality…

So, how naked is naked? I know it does not sound comfortable… But what if you want to be naked? What if you want to the world to see you for what you are? What then?