New Sense

An Art called Acting…

My experiences with MisFit (so far) has been a real eye-opener for me. I used to always watch movies and wonder why certain actors do so well and some never get the audience intrested. After learning some of the basics of acting I have one thing to say “Its definitely not easy.”

Acting is like any other artform consider painting, anybody can pick up a sketch pen or a brush and throw a few colors around but the good ones are good for very specific reasons… Its not hard to be a decent or a good actor, like all other things in life… dedication, intrest and hunger will get you there but to be a great actor… Well there is a lot of things needed and most of it does not come thru persistence.

The most clear change in me after the classes is that it has given me a better eye to recognise acting. A good acting performance is not necessarily one which you will applaud at the end of the show, it can be something you watch over and over and still laugh at the actor or smile at a intelligent line. I wont jump into the technical phrases etc but one thing I do like to point out is most actors(considering movies) cannot be bad in every single frame of the film(its brilliant how a few manage to) they will hv at least one or two moments where its clear nobody else could hv played that part better. That is probably what made them get that role.

Anyway this might mean that I will be a bit more lineint in my reviews :P