New Sense

Nice Meme

Thanks to kshah… Sorry for the delay need the mood to this stuff :P


I am thinking…
and know that the world is fair, no matter what anyone says.

I said…
People never choose to be happy and hence are unhappy.

I want…
to walk on the beach again(Details in the next post).

I wish…
for nothing… I get what I deserve.

I miss…
LOST… when is the damn 3rd season starting

I hear…
Music on my Laptop…

I wonder…
if I wonder about useless things most of the time

I regret…
Not calling ppl I want to talk to.

I am…
22 and loving it

I dance…
Whenever I feel like it, and when Im alone

I sing…
“Tu Hi Meri Shab” the most often and “Tanha Dil” when ever in mood… again when Im alone, mostly when I ride my bike.

I cry…
pretty easily but incredibly rarely

I am not…
worried about most things everyone I know is worried about.

I write…
once in about 3-5 months. My next story is due and almost 20% done. You can read my earlier short stories here

I confuse…
if I cant convince ppl.

I need…
to meet up with old friends.

I should…
play more soccer and tennis.

I finish…
most things I start but not all.

I tag all those who want to be tagged… This is fun just do it :)