New Sense

Top 5 Things that irritate me…

Im indifferent to most things and generally dont let it bother me but i do get irritated at times :)

Here is the top 5 things that tick me off…

5. People that argue just for the heck of it:
Dont u hate it when someone starts and argument and dont give up even though you just proved them wrong :D .

4. When people pronounce GUI as “gue-eeh”:
U dont c me saying Ue-eeh for UI

3. When people involve the word “lucky” in the most technical sport in the world (Formula one Racing):
I know im partially irritated coz im an Alonso fan but… lets see u tell that the face of a race engineer who has worked the last 8 months straight that his team won coz of luck.

2. Baseless Anti India stuff:
Dont need to explain that

1. People who smoke around me:
I hate smoking and ppl who smoke around me… I dont care, give ur self cancer coz apparently u know better but dont give it to me.