New Sense


How are you feeling?
Good, Spunky actually(if someone can feel that)

If you could be someplace else right now, where would that place be?
In the park close to my house… It just started drizzeling outside and would love to sit down outside, close my eyes and let the drops fall on my face

What do you want right now?
For some reason I want to run, just run (Run Forrest Run :P )

What’s your favourite song at this moment?
Naam Adaa Likhna – Yahaan. Beautiful song, I listened to it for the first time yesterday and must hv heard it like 50 times now.

What are you having for dinner?
The usual Rice, curry, curds and Icecream

Any quote running in your head that you’d like to share?
For some reason I remember that line from Spiderman,
With great power comes great responsibility :P