New Sense

Its a Matter of Time!

“We are Indians… We are expected to be late”, “Its IST Indian Stretchable Timings”, “I thought you are going to be late too…” People those excuses are pathetic and nothing angers me more than a person who is late and never shows a bit of remorse about it.

Last weekend I had a bad experience with ppl being punctual… The incident left me really depressed and partially hurt…

Let me give you a concept of Time that will help you understand why it hurts me so much… I read this in “The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari”. Showing up to a place on time is not a matter of being able to brag about it to late comers… its a matter of “RESPECT”… Arriving to a meet in time is like telling others “I respect your time”… And by slowly and regularly making it on time makes others RESPECT your time… The next time you call someone they will understand and believe that you will be there on time and try their best to be on time as well.

Next time you hv a meeting think of it this way “If I show up on time… I respect XYZ time”. Trust me you will be a bit more regularly on time. Its a weird thing to say but of all the things I can give anyone, Time is the most precious(I ain’t getting it back, you see) So when you make somebody wait just think that you are costing someone something they will never get back… I hv slowly begun to realize that the ppl that get hurt the most are the ones that show up on time… I mean talk about fairness they are punished coz they were considerate enough to show up on time :P.

You dont need to kill youself or anybody(driving rashly) to be on time… It only matters that you truly tried, Nobody is perfect to show up on time each and every day… sometimes unforeseen circumstances leads to delays and thats acceptable but only a few times…

The next time you are late hope you remember what I said… And please lets try and change the belief that all Indians are late. That hurts me the most…