New Sense

Theft – A Play

I had the pleasure of catching Eric Chappel’s play Theft yesterday at Rangashankara. The play is a laugh riot and if there is one play to watch this one is pretty much it. I hv seen 3 plays in the last 8 days and this one I enjoyed more than the other two.

Top Cast professionalism on the stage was shown by the echoing laughter in the audience. The play is over 2 hrs long and at the end you just dont want it to stop…

The play is about a couple who return from their anniversary party with a couple of old friends to realize that their home has been burgled. The catch is that the thief is still in the house and hiding without their knowledge. The play swirls slowly into the lives of the four characters each reveled by conversations with the thief(who gets caught). The thief is amazingly good at talking his way out of situations and lives up to his name of “Greasy” Spriggs.

Spriggs makes inroads into the relationships of the 2 seemily happily married couple and reveals secrets they hv been hiding from each other. The clever dialouge and the sweet scarcasm makes it worth the time and the money.

The cast is amazingly good and their protrayal of the char beautiful… The humorous lines are simply amazing and keep you laughing for a long time… My favourite line is…

Spriggs: How long hv they been married?
Trevor: 20 years
Spriggs: (amazed) You dont get that many crimes!

The play is delightful and perfect to take your mind away from day to day things… a reboot if u can say so of humour. Ravi Kumar’s amazing direction is immaculate.

Preethi and I had met Ravi Kumar a few days ago when we had gone to watch the kannada play. We were outside waiting when we were discussing when to catch “Theft”. He was standing near us and came to us hearing a part of our conversation. He simply asked us “Do u think the play will be good?” and “Do u think Eric Chapell’s plays are good?” (my memory is weak wrt this will double check this with Preethi). I dont remember what we said but when he came to the stage after the play I couldnt stop smiling…

Im so looking forward for more plays like this :)