New Sense

Visit to the Doc and A Small Accident

I had just been to the doc and first things first… according to my blood report im in “Perfect health condition” (Quoted by the doc himself). He was surprized coz I hv been sick for like a week now. He even went to the extent of asking me if I was “Love Sick” (Yeah! Me Love sick… right). So he gives me something for my throat and tells me to gain some weight (like I dont have enuf motivation already :P )

So im on my way back and im in this street which is really narrow. A girl was driving right in front of me blocking my view and there was this dude walking two of his dogs. I turn to realize the dogs are a Lab and a Golder Retriver as usual im all interested in the dogs that the next second I see this scooter right in front of me. I take evasive action but it wasn’t good enough.. he clipped my leg and hand. I immediately knew I was bleeding in my toe and stopped the bike a few feet away. The man steps out all like “Cant you see where you’re going”

I respond with “Im really sorry. It was completely my mistake. I hope you’realright” at this moment I see he has two kids with me and my heart skipped a beat. The boy came to his dad and showed his leg … I think it was a scratch but he was not bleeding and that’s a good sign(I think). After I was sure the kids were fine, I stepped to the side and took off my shoe… My shoe has a hole now :( its my favorite shoe but it probably saved my toe. The skin of my toe had come off right under my nail and it had not started bleeding yet. The man just looked at me again and just left… I put my shoe and headed home.

All the way, I only could think of how my stupidity had ruined that poor man’s day, and if he wanted to, he would be on every right of getting a NYC personal injury attorney for this. Well I came home and washed the wound and put some antiseptic on it. I guess now I know how fragile my happiness is coz the whole incident could not even dent it… I was joking with my family as they helped me with my wound. Well its not of any major concern it should get well by morning :).