New Sense

Top 5 Bad Signs in a Doctor’s office

Had been to the docs place today… It isnt something I look forward to so nothing much to be said about that but… I was waiting (guess where…) in the waiting room and this blog entry struck me :P. I hv got another one but will blog that tmrw :P.

So without further ado…

5) Doc says “Hope you got insurance…”

This does not qualify if he sells insurance too :P

4) Doc looks at you and says “Hello X, the regular”
What am I in a bar???

3) Doc says “You are putting my children through college”
Remember funding children’s education is a good thing :P, and the more angry you get the more money you are giving away

2) Reciptionist at the Docs office says “Its alrite Mr. X, I know ur credit card number by heart”
This is a really bad sign provided u are dating her, in which case its a really really bad sign

1) Doc does the basic check up and when its time for his diagnosis looks at you and pauses (trying to think of the right words)
Oh oh… Houston we have a problem.