New Sense

2005 Hard to Forget…

2005 for me was a special year in many respects, it only apt that I give it a proper farewell before embracing 2006.

This year was one of the years I was the happiest, I guess atleast 300 of the 365 days were happy for me. Since I have not mentioned this before the happiest year in my life was the year when I was 19(2003-2004). That year was perfect in the terms what ever I did it clicked and results very always great. This year only comes second best (I always keep saying I had over 350 good days in my 19th year)

Possibly the best thing in my life so far happened this year, Applibase. I guess you got to be in Applibase to realize how special its to be a part of it. I joined Applibase on 27th June 2005. I will never forget the Test I took at Applibase and the Interview and getting Hired. Then it was Birthday time of the year.

Earlier in the year, the last sem of Engg was truly fun(most fun I have had thru Engg.). We had absolutely no probs with the academic part of college and went nuts doing crazy stuff :P. The last few exams were so much fun and the actual project was a cake walk.

I spent a lot of time being the “Placement Coordinater” in the final sem of college. That was once experience that I will never forget.

This year was the year of books for me… I read more books this year than any other time in my life. I attribute it that to the fact that I did not have to give any exams for the last 7 months. I have read 9 books in the last 2.5 months and am currently reading “Prey”. The Harry Potter Series was by far the best collection of books I read and the “Monk Who Sold his Ferrari” was a life changing one for me.

I picked up many hobbies this year, Blogging being by far my most favourite.  Photography and Sketching was just a beautiful experience which I will not give up easily.  Talking about Photography I got my Sony Ericsson k750i this year.  I totally love it :P.

Finally before I end this year review, I want to give a special mention for the sport I love F1 and its new champ, Fernando Alonso.  I have many reasons not to forget this year but I will never forget this season of F1.  Alonso thank you for holding up my beliefs in you, and Renault thankyou for your amazing consistency and team work. I will always be proud to have believed in the “Blue and Yellow” this year.
There have been a lot of things I did this year and there have been a lot of things I could not do.  I wrote only 2 Short Stories this year and thats far less than I hoped for.

Well that was the summary of my year, I know that I hv missed some really important days in the entry  but I cant put em all in there.

Next year I promise I will try to do it the Jace Way (with photos and all) for the summary of my year.  Till then thank you for reading and please do keep reading (it makes me happy :) ).