New Sense

Crossing Over…

Two boatmen rowing their coracles across the Tungabhadra river to get to their next customers.

Taken at the ruins at Hampi, this picture reminds me of my favorite book Siddhartha by Herman Hesse. The book tells the story a brahmin boy Siddhartha and his journey to his ultimate quest of enlightenment. The story follows him thru his experiences as an ascetic to his life as a trader to a life filled with lust and finally back to ascetic life again. The story ends with Siddhartha becoming a ferryman and learning about life and existence from a river…

Siddhartha will always be a precious book for me and is the only book that I have gifted to many of my friends. Its also the book that I have owned multiple times and each time I have owned it, I have lost it; Yet I still cant help looking for the book in any bookstore I walk into.

If at anytime in your life you find the opportunity to read the book, do pick it up. Its the one book that I highly recommend to people who are inclined to philosophical thoughts.

Also if you get the opportunity to visit Hampi dont miss it. Its one of the places in south India you simply have to experience :)