New Sense

Good Start

Its amazing how one change in the routine can make your day go from an average ordinary day to a particularly productive and satisfying day.

It has been about two months since my last early morning run and yesterday spurred by inspiration I woke up early and ran around the block. The cold winter wind was terribly discomforting but after the first few minutes I was totally in rhythm. By the time I was back at home I was exhausted but had a whole bunch of ideas in my head and gearing to put them in action.

Bangalore is now entering the phase of the year that inspires you to stay in bed all day and that feeling is the worst way to start a day. Off late I have been putting off a lot of things to be done, including writing in this blog and starting the day on the wrong foot wasn’t the best approach to turn things around.

The morning run worked wonders to my day, I got more things done yesterday in the day than I could in weeks.

Today was a different experience all together, there was a drizzle in the morning and I wasn’t too sure if I should venture out. I did and the reminded me of the one lovely run I did at Ooty about a year and half ago. I could cover only half my usual distance coz the rain got heavier and I didn to want to be drenched so early in the morning. But the morning run had done its job well for the day :)

Now the next task is to get back in rhythm and do my very own 10k sometime this week :)