- Cover of The Karate Kid (Special Edition)
I was watching the Karate Kid the other day and was in total awe of the climax. What impressed me the most was how the movie ended. Most movies tend to overstay their welcome and drag on for a few minutes after the emotional climax and show the embraces and kisses that follow. But the Karate Kid leaves you on a superb high. Just as you are about to jump out of your seat and scream in joy the credits roll.
Timing the end is a very interesting topic for entertainment. While I would love to talk about it, this entry is actually about another piece of gem that the Karate Kid carried with it.
I was recently talking to a friend about success. We were discussing what we considered success and failure. I guess when we talk about Success we are actually trying in one way or another to prove our worth, either to person(s) or the world. Sometimes its to gain respect, sometimes its for validation or vindication.
While these conquests are what drive us, its very easy to lose sight of what we truly wanted to achieve. This is where the Karate Kid was very clear, its not about proving anyone wrong or right its not about beating the crap out of your opponent… its about earning the respect of others.
The moment in the movie that the bully took the trophy and gave it to Daniel and says “You’re all right, LaRusso. Good match!” I was almost in tears. I cant think of a more satisfying end to a film.