New Sense

A Moment… A Lifetime

It rained heavily that night, the papers the next day would talk about statistics of how long back in the past it had rained that much. The newspapers would have missed this story.

He was waiting by the side of the road under a shelter with dozen other people. His bike was parked across the street. As he had run towards the shelter he was hoping that the rain would subsided in the next few minutes and he could continue on his journey but the rain only got stronger.

At the hour mark he was tired of waiting, he decided that he might as well get drenched than wait here all night. As he sprinted towards the bike he hopped over a few puddles and carefully looked either side for traffic. In the first opportunity he dashed. He had almost made it through but in the last hop, he landed on some slush. The semisolid mixture of mud and water provided no friction…  A fraction of a second later he was down with his back on the road. Another fraction later he stared at two glaring headlights of a bus though the heavy rain…  Another moment later he was just a huge lump of lifeless flesh…


He was five years old and his favorite pastime was grabbing things that people told him not to touch. His next victim was a girl in ponytails playing with her crayons. He walked upto her and smiled. He looked at the crayons and the next moment he sprinted, tightly grabbing the red crayon in his right palm. She let out a loud shriek and chased him around the kindergarten class.

Twenty five years later, she saw the man with whom she would spend the rest of her life. His most obvious telling feature, the red jacket he wore…


He was 23 and at a super market. He looked around for things in the list he held in his hand. As he walked back towards the counter to pay his bill, he noticed the last bottle of his favorite pickle. He picked it up and headed to the counter.

Two seconds later, an elderly gentleman stopped at the exact same spot. He looked around for a minute and then called one of the attendants for help. He was looking for a bottle of pickle that he swore he saw on the counter a few minutes ago. The attendant searched for the bottle and then asked for a minute to search for it in the storage room. He returned 15 minutes later, no bottle in hand. The old man cursed his luck and went to the checkout counter.

Just as he reached it there was a huge ring. There were a few cheers and he was told he was the store’s Millionth customer. He was given a ticket to popular tourist destination as a gift…

Two weeks later the old man and his wife climbed the flight to take them to their vacation. Two hours later it crashed into the Pacific Ocean.


He was 28 when he asked her to marry him. That evening he gave the biggest tip he had ever given to a waiter. He had planned the whole event so meticulous at the waiter was very impressed.

The waiter that day decided not to go ahead with the plan of killing himself. Three years later he opened his own restaurant, a restaurant that is now famous for men asking their lady love to marry them.


In the perfect world he would have known what his life had meant for others but then he would never have been able to go on with life the way he had.

Twenty minutes before the start, the bus was about to leave on its journey. As the driver started the engine, a man rushed to the door. He pleaded that they wait for two minutes as his friend is late. The driver was never late but… it had rained heavily that day.