New Sense

If Books Could Kill…

I am officially books crazy. The Harry Potter Deadline has truly introduced me to the world of books. I was putting so much effort and time on the books that it totally drained me out at the end. During those 12 days my routine was pretty much this:

Wake Up -> Read Book(1 hr) -> Go to Office -> Come back home -> Read Book(2 hrs) -> Sleep
(Ignoring some important parts like eating, travelling ect.)

The most irritating part was that I had no time for Sketching, Photography(actually got up early one day for it but its still much less than what I would do regularly) and Story Writing(2 stories now in queue).

Now that the deadline is over im seriously planning to manage my time properly. I cannot do without reading so will prob give 30 min before sleep everyday for it. The rest I will juggle around depending on time.

The book currently in my hands: One Night @ The Call Center (Chetan Bhagat).