New Sense


Whenever I am at a temple I have this thought about the entire concept of the holy place where people go to pray to god. The idea is that humans built these places as a way of getting back at god.

Lets for the sake of moving this forward ignore the whole question and debate on the existence of god.

Lets say many eons ago someone came up with the idea of making a place of worship, what motivated that thought is not that important(atleast for this argument). A while later they probably figured that making a good shelter for god was as important and decided to construct a building with the assistance of new home builders nsw, all around the deity.  As time went ahead people took pride in the buildings that were constructed around the deities. The more glamorous the building the better/famous the holy place was… Of course miracles also sent the places on top of the holy charts but thats an argument for a different day.

So that brings us to where we are now… We now have to go to man made structures to pray to God who (apparently) resides inside.

One of the feelings I have when ever I visit a Holy place is that of amusement. Here we are on a planet that was (if you are a believer) created by god. We are almost always surrounded by things created by god yet to pray, we have to go to a man made place.

I understand that most of the raw materials that were used to build were made by god, but in modifying them there is a distinct fingerprint that is over written. What you end up with is something far different than what was originally there yet its in praise of someone who created almost everything else.

Ps: I understand that this is a flawed way of looking at things, but yet when you do see it in this way it makes things seem a lot more different than what they appear to be…