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Inception has easily been one of the most entertaining and gripping movies I have had the pleasure of watching. As I sat in the the theater dumbstruck trying to navigate the mind and ideas of Christopher Nolan there was a weird sense of Déjà vu…
Thirty minutes into the movie I remembered what it was that seemed so similar… Actually what I remembered forced me into a smile and simultaneously made me extremely excited…
Five years ago, I wrote a short story – The Question. The story was little over 3 pages long and has been one of my best short stories till date. Turns out there was a lot of common ground between the concepts in Inception and The Question. While the common beliefs formulated the core of my story, in Inception they were the minor details of the story telling. Yet the similarities were clearly there…
After the movie I stood outside the theater(like many others) discussing the finer details of the movie with my friends. Among the people there I was only sure that my friend, Swetha had read that story five years ago. I told her that the movie had in parts reminded me of my short story and she immediately echoed my thoughts. Apparently she too had remembered my story while watching the movie!
The most oddest thing about the whole incident hit me only a couple of days ago. When I had first written “The Question” I was extremely vary about how it would be accepted, so I sent a proof copy of the original draft to a couple of my close friends. You wont believe that one of the proof readers’ response of the story was “This will make an awesome movie!”
Its an odd set of coincidences… You can feel free to read the story here: http://blog.chandrahasa.com/archives/333 and decide for yourself if the similarities are significant enough… I would love to hear your thoughts!
Ps: The coincidences don’t just end there; that reviewer, a very close friend of mine has gone on to become a film maker!