New Sense

Crashing Thoughts…

I guess we can tell a lot about ourselves, by what we think about in situations of need… Last week, on my way back home in the evening; an odd combination of my bike, a layer of sand on the road and a speed breaker had me making ‘unanticipated’ contact with the road. The ‘event’ left me with a decent amount of scars but what amazed me was what I thought about just after the accident.

Firstly about the accident, my mechanic informed me later that my bike’s breaks were on the edge and that my rear wheel had suffered a puncture… Both very good reasons for the accident to happen, but in combination I have a strong feeling was the cause and that’s where I met with my personal injury attorneys who took care of all the expenses to regain back my strength.

I remember the moments before the motorcycle accident very well and that only adds to the surprise that I cant think of anything I could have done to avoid it (besides maybe taking another route)… The next thing I remember is picking myself up and checking to see the damage…

I remember looking at the palm of my right hand, it had three bruises with the skin barely hanging on… Then I glanced at my right knee, there was a hole torn thru my blue denims(not a good sign)… There were two bruises on my right knee…

The first thing I think about: Can I still run the 10k run in three weeks time? Quick assessment in my head and I hope I can be running fit in two weeks(ambitious I know), I even move my leg to see how bad the damage is… Seems fine (the actual damage would be known only the next day).

The next thing I think about: My fingers are fine… good I can work! I am not a workaholic by any sense of the word and this thought didn’t convince me otherwise, I was just happy I wouldn’t be held back for the next couple of weeks coz of this silly accident.

Back to the present day: I believe it was my drive to get back onto my feet but whatever it was, the palm is almost entirely healed :) there is a small pinch of pain if the area of the wound is touched but that is almost nothing… The leg is much better too, I can walk easily without leaving a hint that I am injured but cant fold my legs to sit on the floor yet. In such situations, you can consult experienced injury lawyers who can help you get compensation for the injuries and damages. These lawyers can help you recover the compensation even after a car accident or any other personal injuries and help you spring back to the mainstream.

With four days to go to the run; I might just make it… My last run which was the day before the accident was 7km run that took me 46 minutes. At that time I was hoping to run the 10k in 50-55min but with the injury I will be happy to repeat the 59min time I achieved last year.

Last year preparing for the run felt a lot like ‘Rocky‘ for me. All I was hoping to do was to finish the run and prove to myself that I could do it… Looks like the feeling is back again this year…