New Sense

How I made my Website…

A lot of my friends hv asked how i created my own website and blog. This is how i did it…

(Please note this is no way a tutorial on how to make sites… Its just how I did it and the main idea is that its not that tough)

I decided to make my site after spending about a month blogging. If you are a newbie to the net and its features (ie, if u asked “what is a blog?”) I would suggest u to look at livejournal or blogger OR you can search on google for a good blog hosting service and get started. It takes like 5 mins to setup. Trust me it takes longer to think of stuff to put in :).

If you want ur own blog site… I suggest using Word Press. U dont need to know much about programming to get started with WordPress but need a server to run it.

Now about Servers… U will need some webspace to get started with WP(WordPress) or ur website. Most ppl dont know this but Yahoo provides 15Mb of webspace which is twice as much as im currently using( with 5 Mb most ppl can run WordPress eazily and even hv a decent website). But the prob with Yahoo is the domain name is long (ie, and that might turn you off.

You can request webspace at many websites. My hosting service Host Matrix requires a request to be posted and full details about what you want to do with the space… which is very resonable. You can search for “free webspace” or “free web hosting” on google to get some hosting services. Look out for details like Size and if the hosting service will put ads on ur site. There is whole host of combinations so spend an hour online and get a great service.

Now to the Design. I used the following method:

Since most of my pages are static. I chose to create my blog perfectly first and made sure i liked how it looked. Then i just opened the source on the browser (Right Click->View Page Source ) and saved the file. I did this coz i wanted my website to be consistent with my blog. I then just edited the html code to suit my requirements and made the pages.

In case you dont want it to be consistent just use any html designer or write your own html and get started…

Uploading: u will require a FTP client to do this… Again I suggest googling for it. I use gftp on linux and FlashFXP on Windows.

Store the homepage as “index.html” and load it to your “Public_Html” dir on the server and voila… you hv a site.

All that remains is informing ppl u know about your site and uploading content to it :)